Story Changes Culture partners with Neythri


By Jennifer Cloer

About a year ago I started noticing a new and quite vibrant community showing up in my social media feeds. A number of my longtime friends and colleagues - like Nithya Ruff and Monica Kumar - were sharing inspiring and thoughtful posts about a new organization called Neythri. I started to go inside the stories of these amazing South Asian women doing important work across regions and sectors. It wasn’t long before I sat down with the three co-founders to learn more about THEIR story, how they started the nonprofit community and what they have planned.

And so today I’m excited to announce that Story Changes Culture is Neythri’s exclusive communications and storytelling partner for 2021. This is a natural partnership because of our shared mission to elevate the stories and experiences of professional women across industries. 

I’m especially excited to support Neythri because of its focus on the experiences of women in South Asian culture, its reach across industries and its dedication to supporting multi-generational women in their careers. So many professional communities support mid- and senior-level women, but puts an emphasis on mentorship and giving back so that we’re supporting the rising women, particularly women of color, in our workplaces. The three co-founders represent this multi-generational commitment. 

The Founding Circle, for example, was created to support the community and to give back - both through volunteer time and other personal resources. It forms the very foundation of Neythri. Certainly, these senior women get access to connections and exclusive programs like Board Readiness, but their main purpose is to pay forward what they’ve learned and to share their wisdom with women coming up behind them. This is one of the primary ways we build more diversity and equity in the workplace, by creating spaces where female leaders can be visible, active and exercise generosity. It’s no wonder their structure is composed of circles, a never-ending cycle of giving and learning. 

The organization has big things coming this summer, and we’ll be helping to tell those stories. We’ll also be involved in sharing our expertise during a Neythri event, and will be featuring their contributions in an upcoming newsletter. 

South Asian culture is a beautiful experience that I’m enjoying learning more about. South Asian women have a unique set of roles in their workplaces, families and communities, and Neythri is the only place where I’m seeing those topics navigated among women who are just starting their careers to women who are climbing the ladder to women who are that the top and reaching a hand down to lift them up. 

I invite you to join and/or follow the stories from this community.